Women Talking Fibroids is a space that acts as a safe harbor, a community, where women can learn about uterine fibroids, speak with other affected individuals, get professional advice, and even become a voice of the campaign to support and inspire other women.

Expanding across channels
Tamooz Marketing Communications redeveloped the Women Talking Fibroids campaign to bring the important topic of women’s health the attention it deserves. Women Talking Fibroids is an unbranded patient campaign sponsored by Gedeon Richter, it raises awareness about Uterine Fibroids by reaching the target audience across multiple marketing channels. Tamooz’s role in the project lies in scoping and delivering a comprehensive set of digital marketing services that include tailor-made strategy, website design and development, social media and community management, and content creation.

Driving traffic
to engage
A continuous traffic influx is powered by marketing media such as social media ads, email marketing, and SEO on par with compelling and engaging content.